Monday, 5 September 2016

Smile and be encouraged by the following from preacher Max Lucado.

“If God had a refrigerator,
Your picture would be on it.
If God had a wallet,
Your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring
And a sunrise every morning.
When you want to talk, He’ll listen.
He could live anywhere in the universe
and He chose your heart,
and that Christmas gift He sent you,
In Bethlehem?
Face it, friend , He’s crazy about you!”

God Bless you.

Onwards & Upwards!

Pastor Paul & Jane 

Monday, 22 September 2014

September Chapel Events

As always, Epping Green Chapel has been holding plenty of events!

Here's some photographs from some in September!

Harvest in the Village

Produce from the Chapel Community Garden in the village has continued to be collected and shared out. Volunteers are welcome to help with this community project. 

If you would like to get involved with this project, please contact Pastor Paul Walker at

September Wedding at the Chapel

Congratulations to Mike and Claire on their wedding at the Chapel. We wish them God's blessing in their married life together!

Alpha, Starting 24th September

Want to explore the Christian faith? Well, now's your chance to! Our Alpha course begins this Wednesday, 24th September 2014. The course will continue on Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm.

The course shall be running at Epping Green Chapel, Epping Green, Essex, CM16 6PU (opposite Travellers Friend Pub and village pond).

For more information about this course or to reserve a place, please contact Paul Walker at, or telephone 07769 585411.
What is Alpha?
The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere. Each evening starts with light refreshments, which gives everyone a chance to get to know each other, make friends and have fun. This is followed by a short presentation and then discussion, where opinions can be shared and any question asked – no question is too simple or too hostile!

Who is Alpha For?

Alpha is for anyone who wants to investigate Christianity, and also for new Christians and newcomers to the church.

What's Involved?

The series of 13 talks cover key topics including "Who is Jesus?" "Why did Jesus dies"? "Why and how to pray." "How to read the Bible" and "Who is the Holy Spirit?"

What Does It Cost?
Alpha is free. However we welcome any contributions which will go to support charity projects we are supporting.

Why Is It Called Alpha?

In the last book of the Bible, Revelation, God refers to himself as “The Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end” (chapter 1:8), using the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet. This course is a place to start asking questions and discovering answers and it directs people to God – hence it is called ‘Alpha’.

If YOU want to discover if there is more to life than this, please contact local group organiser Paul Walker, on 07769 585411 or email 

Sunday, 7 September 2014

EPIC, 27th August 2014

The chapel congregation continues to grow and fellowship and encouragement remain central. As a result the series of new area fellowship groups are being launched. 

Following the recent launch of the first group in Harlow, 12 people gathered for the launch of the second area group - called "EPIC" on the 27th August in Epping. EPIC stands for "Epping in Community", and is intended to be a place of encouragement and outreach especially for those based in the Epping /North Weald and Loughton areas. Other groups are planned in the future as the fellowship continues to grow. 

You are invited to an area group - for more info email - or call 07769 585411. 

Monday, 25 August 2014

Louise Want-Youth Worker Thank You Presentation

Presentations and blessings were made on Sunday, thanking children's and youth worker Louise Want as she moved on from the post at the Chapel after three and a half years. Louise received gifts including a large plant, Next voucher and other "thank you's" as well as love from all the fellowship.

Thank you Louise, and blessing for your future! 

Haven 1 - Church Langley Gathering

The chapel congregation continues to grow and fellowship and encouragement remains central. As a result, a series of new area fellowship groups are being launched. 

Over 20 people gathered for the launch of the first group- "Haven 1" on the 20th August in Church Langley. Haven stands for "Harlow and Villages East & North", and each group is intended to "do what it says on the tin" and be a haven to those involved. Other groups are planned in the Harlow villages area as well as Epping. 

Here's some photos!

Friday, 15 August 2014

August Chapel News

We are approaching the mid-way point of August now, and it seems that so far it has already been a very busy month! 

Here's just two of the events that happened so far...

Summer Charity Cream Tea
We enjoy regular cream teas at the chapel, normally held on the same day as our monthly Men's Breakfast. This one, raising money for charity, was enjoyed by all who came along!

August Wedding!
An August wedding took place for Daniel and Danny. Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Blackman!

If you would ever like to be married in Epping Green Chapel yourselves, please get in touch!

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